Specials & Coupons
Looking to save even more money with Breezy Park on your home heating oil? Look no further! We have discounts and coupons for all shapes and sizes throughout Berks County.
Senior Citizen Discount
If you are over 65, Breezy Park would like to extend to you our Senior Citizen’s Discount. With this, you receive an additional $.02 off our already rock-bottom heating oil prices. Contact us today to sign up!
Energy Assistance
There is no exception to staying warm. We at Breezy Park believe everyone has the right to heat all year, and, for that reason, we have compiled a list of references so that everyone has the opportunity to help heat their home this winter. If you have further questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Learn more at: http://www.citizensenergy.com/assistance-programs/joe-4-oil
To apply, please call: 1-877-JOE-4-OIL
Learn more at: http://www.dhs.state.pa.us/foradults/heatingassistanceliheap/
Apply online: https://www.compass.state.pa.us/Compass.Web/public/cmphome
Berks County Assistance Office
Reading State Office Building
625 Cherry Street
Reading, PA 19602-1188Toll-Free: (866) 215-3912
Phone: (610) 736-4211
LIHEAP (610) 736-4228 or (866) 215-3911
FAX: (610) 736-4004 -
Salvation Army
Boyertown, Pennsylvania
Main office:
409 South Reading Avenue
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 367-4089Reading (Temple), Pennsylvania
301 South Fifth Street
Reading, PA 19603-1099
(610) 373-7817Reading (Citadel), PA
301 South Fifth Street
Reading, PA 19603-1099
(610) 373-5208These and other Salvation Army centers can help families in Berks County. Assistance includes food, holiday meals, shelter, and housing. Case management is also provided. Learn More Here.
Refer a Friend!
$50 Referral Credit
As an existing customer, you will receive a $50 credit toward your next oil delivery when you refer a new heating oil customer.
Credit is valid when the new customer enrolls in our automatic delivery program and $50 will be credited to your account for the referral. There is no limit to how many new customers a current customer can refer.